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Application for Salary Loan

I/We hereby apply for DepEd Teachers’ Salary Loan in the amount not exceeding approved loan amount. I hereby swear that (1) I am a permanent DepEd Teacher; (2) I am up-to-date in the payment of my existing loans; (3) I am not a respondent/party to any pending criminal case; (4) that the statements declared above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that this application is made for the purpose and consideration expressed above. (5) By providing my personal data or signing herein, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood EWRB’s Data Privacy Policy and agree thereto as well as knowingly and voluntarily give my consent to the Bank, its affiliates, partners and service providers to collect, use, disclose, dispose, and process my personal data set out in this form or any other related documents or forms in order to complete my transaction with the Bank and for any other legitimate purpose. (6) I hereby give full consent to the Bank to use and/or disclose any information contained herein for credit investigation and collection, for information technology systems, data processing and storage, statistical, risk, production utilization and any other purposes deemed essential to the Bank and I hereby give my consent in advance in case the Bank desires to use any information provided in this application for marketing and promotions. I agree that should there be any misrepresentation discovered, the East West Rural Bank Inc. may cause the outright disapproval of my loan or if the loan has already been granted, the East West Rural Bank Inc., may immediately declare my loan due and demandable. Furthermore, (7) I hereby acknowledge and authorize: a) the regular submission and disclosure of my basic credit data (as defined under Republic Act No. 9150 and its implementing rules and regulations) to the Credit Information Corporation (CIC) as well as any updates or corrections thereof; and b) the sharing of my basic credit data with other lenders authorized by the CIC, and credit reporting agencies duly accredited by the CIC.

Certificate of no obligation/authorization

This is to declare under oath that the reflected Net Take Home Pay as reflected in the submitted 1 month payslip, represents an amount that has no obligation(s) and/or is NOT amortized/ allocated for any obligation. That once this application is approved, I will not borrow again from any other lending institution nor from any person or entity that will compromise, prejudice or otherwise impair this "AMOUNT", unless any or all of the credits abovementioned have been retired, paid or otherwise extinguished already, provided the "AMOUNT" will remain unimpaired. This is to further declare that I have no pending application for an indefinite leave of absence or transfer to another station, no plan to go abroad and to retire within the payment period of my loan and further commit not to cause any of these acts while my loan with EASTWEST RURAL BANK, INC. is outstanding. This is to further declare that any falsification in this certification can be used against me for the crime of perjury.

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